General Privacy Policy

InfinityPlay RP may disclose information about your communications and activities in response to lawful requests by governmental authorities or for the protection of InfinityPlay RP' rights or the rights of third parties asInfinityPlay RP may deem appropriate in its reasonable discretion. In the event that InfinityPlay RP exercises any of its rights hereunder for any reason, InfinityPlay RP will have no liability to you.

InfinityPlay RP is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness, legality or applicability of the materials or anything said, depicted or written by users, including without limitation any information obtained by using our InfinityPlay RP or Servers.

InfinityPlay RP does not necessarily endorse or espouse any content or materials, or any views, opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed on or in any Site or Server, and any services linked to the InfinityPlay RP are or may be developed by people or parties over InfinityPlay RP. InfinityPlay RP neither endorses nor assumes responsibility for the content of any site linked to our discords, websites, or servers.

InfinityPlay RP will have no responsibility or liability to you or any third party as a result of your activities, and you are solely responsible for any activities you do in connection with or via any of our discords, websites, or servers. By posting any content on any InfinityPlay RP discords, websites, or servers you grant to InfinityPlay RP the irrevocable, perpetual and unrestricted right to reproduce, distribute, publish, and display, edit or modify such content, and to use, and to authorize or license third parties to use, such content, or portions or elements thereof, for any InfinityPlay RP purpose, in any and all manner and media known or hereafter devised, and for any and all purposes, including commercial purposes, world-wide, without any obligation or compensation to you of any kind. InfinityPlay RP has the right to create derivative works from any or all of the content (“Derivative Works”), and such Derivative Works shall be the sole and exclusive property of InfinityPlay RP. You disclaim all rights, title or interests you may have in such Derivative Works, and fully assign, convey and transfer any and all rights that you have or may have in the Derivative Works exclusively to InfinityPlay RP.

By posting any content on any of our discords, websites, or servers, you represent and warrant that you are the sole creator and owner of any intellectual property rights in the content, and/or that you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to use and authorize InfinityPlay RP to use all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights in and to any and all of your entries of content, to enable inclusion and use of your entries and content in the manner contemplated in these Terms of Use.

You fully release InfinityPlay RP from any and all claims that may arise regarding your use of or participation on our discords, websites, or servers and/or the use, accessing or posting of the content. You agree that any claim or dispute relating to your posting of any Content on any of our discords, websites, or servers shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, USA, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions and you agree to be bound and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts located in the State of Illinois.

InfinityPlay RP reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time in its sole discretion and without notice. You understand that InfinityPlay RP is under no obligation to use, display or acknowledge any content you submit, and InfinityPlay RP reserves the right to remove or to refuse to post any content or submission for any reason. You acknowledge that you, not InfinityPlay RP, are responsible for the content and for compliance with these Terms.

Last updated