Organizations Guidelines


The point of this set of guidelines is to ensure all organizations (gangs, businesses, militias, etc) follow a set of guidelines to ensure quality RP.

The Rules

  1. Combat/Hostility

    1. Random deathmatch (RDM) is forbidden. This is the intentional harm/killing of another person without any prior roleplay or preexisting motive.

    2. Vehicle deathmatch (VDM) is forbidden. An example includes mowing down a crowd of individuals.

    3. The new life rule will be enforced. You will not need to forget the circumstances leading to your death, but you will be forbidden from returning to the scene of your death for five (5) minutes. This should be fine theoretically, given that players will spend time going to gang outposts, getting their equipment, etc.

  2. Robberies, raids and illegal activities.

    1. Any robbery cannot be initiated for the sole reason to bait police, distract or kill police. They must be initiated with the clear objective of finishing the robbery, and trying to escape.

      1. Hostages cannot be your friends or willing participants. Hostage takers must talk/engage with their hostages for the duration of their captivity.

      2. During bank robberies, group members who are outside of the main bank building (hiding across the street, on top of a roof etc.) cannot suddenly engage/shoot the police. They may only join into a gunfight after shots are fired between players at the actual bank building.

      3. Gangs are permitted to use a maximum of two (2) vehicles during a robbery.

    2. Raids on targets must be coordinated and involve the participation of two (2)+ members of the gang. You must adhere to the partially enforced new life rule, i.e. not return to the location of the raid/your death for at least 5 minutes.

    3. It is recommended that riots and large-scale illegal activities be coordinated with the Organization coordination so that we can stimulate roleplay and the situation with props and other tools.

  3. Gang territory

    1. Gangs are afforded a territory that is a safe haven, police are unable to enter the building without a warrant. Organization Coordination and developers are unable to inform police of where gang outposts are located, they will have to investigate and track the movements of gang members to obtain this information.

      1. Police can however surround your gang outpost/territory, and negotiate for you, or your gang members’ arrest.

    2. Gangs which infringe upon another gang’s territory are at the mercy of opposing gang members. Inter-gang warfare is unregulated, but encouraged. Do note that killing on a simple sight is not allowed, and will be considered RDM.

Last updated