Zero-Tolerance Policy


In-order to provide our prestigious community, members of Infinity Play with a constant sense of peace and comfort. We follow a strict zero-tolerance policy for everything in relation to discrimination, harassment, and outright toxic behavior. The contents of this guarantee anyone who partakes in the prohibited will be subject to disciplinary action that may include immediate termination from the community depending on the severity. This policy applies to all ranks and is enforced across all assets and anything in relation.


Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of Race, Age, or Sex. Discriminatory actions are strictly prohibited here at InfinityPlay and those who partake in discriminatory behavior will be held to strict disciplinary action. Some instances of discriminatory violations are (but are not limited to):

  • Sex / Gender Discrimination

    • Using a person's gender for a benefit of your needs or opportunities.

    • Not being equal to both males and/or females and providing unequal opportunities.

    • Any actions of homophobia

  • Age Discrimination

    • Mocking or taunting someone based on their age.

    • Using their age against them to get what they desire.

  • Racial Discrimination

    • Using racial slurs in any form including messages via discord and in-game voice chat or text chat.

    • Making it unequal based on the knowledge/judgment you may know of whom race.

  • Religion Discrimination

    • Using religion against someone based on knowledge/judgment.

    • Using any form of a religious slur.

      • Ex: Jew, bible beater, creeping Jesus, etc.


Harassment is defined as the aggressive pressure or intimidation forced upon another individual, causing great discomfort. Any form of harassment is strictly prohibited here at InfinityPlay and those who partake in harassing behavior will be held to strict disciplinary action. Some instances of harassment violations are (but are not limited to}

  • Cyber Harassment

    • Using any form of personal info online is found from cyberstalking or even hacking on whom computer or laptop and getting personal data.

    • Threatening in any format whether it be “I will come over to your house right now” etc and if you proceed to send an IP of whom the house.

    • Any real-life encounters like getting a pizza ordered to your house or even getting a text on your personal phone.

  • Sexual Harassment

    • Sending or receiving any sexual DM via someone from InfintyPlay.

    • Sending, or trading any inappropriate videos, or images over any platform in relation to any community of ours.

    • Assaulting one based on their sex and forcing them to send or do something inappropriate.

    • Making any misogynistic comments.

Last updated