Leave of Absence Policy


Leave of Absence or LOA is available to all members. Some levels of staff do have additional requirements for an LOA that can be found in documents. Server LOAs is to be used strictly by server staff, departments, certified gangs, and certified businesses.

Upon taking a server LOA you will be exempted from:

  • Hour requirements of relative staff, gangs, businesses, and departments.

  • Duty requirements of relative staff, gangs, businesses, and departments.

  • Other requirements of relative staff, gangs, businesses, and departments.

LOA will be revoked upon:

  • Valid request by relative staff, gangs, businesses, and department heads team.

  • Request by LOA requester.

  • Caught playing a game for over 2 hour(s).

Leave of Absence can only be taken every month (30 days).

Last updated