Law Enforcement - Basic

Issue No. 1


Upon completion of training, all trainees who reached a passing score will receive LETI Certification, this certification is important as it allows you to join any Law Enforcement agency in the event you ever resign from a department. This certification showcases you have been trained by our Training Institute.


Law Enforcement Basic is managed and trained by LETI Instructors.

Instructor Preparation

Read through this guide step-by-step PRIOR to hosting a training. On your first training, you are required to have a department auditor with you to audit it.

Meet at Sandy Shores Sheriff's Office and begin helping the trainees get uniforms and vehicles for a code 2 drive to Fort Zancudo following traffic laws.

This guide will cover everything required for them to be a successful Law Enforcement Officer. If you have any questions contact an Auditor.

Trainee Preparation

We will have everyone drive their way safely following all traffic laws to Sandy Shores Sheriff's Office, we will issue you all your uniforms as well as your training vehicle. Once everyone is ready we will begin a drive to Fort Zancudo Following traffic laws.


  • Meta-Gaming - is using out-of-character information for personal gain or benefit in-game. For example, you look at OOC for information on RP scenarios.

  • FailRP - an event surrounding an action that your character commits that is not realistic. - Example you repair your car during a 10-80.

  • ForceRP - forcing another character to think, feel, or act a certain way by some action on your part.


An officer's mission is to prevent loss of life, injuries, property damage, state assets, and rights of all people to maintain order and enforce the law to provide a safe state for the Citizens of San Andreas. We hold all officers to the highest standard.

Chain Of Command

What is it?

The Chain of Command is the order which you should follow when having any questions, comments, or concerns. It's important that the Chain of Command is followed at all times.

When can I skip the Chain Of Command?

You are allowed to skip the Chain Of Command for the following reasons:

  1. If the issue pertains to your direct superior.

  2. If forty-eight (48) hours have elapsed from contacting your direct contact without response, you move up to the next RANK in the structure. (i.e. if you contact a Sergeant, you go to a Staff Sergeant.)

  3. You may contact someone if they have an open-door policy.

Uniform Structure

An officer's uniform is a very important part of his job and should be maintained and kept in a presentable condition. It displays professionalism and creates a first impression on Citizens.

Strict policies on uniforms can be found in the Uniform Policy on Infinity Docs.

LEO Menu

Explain how to use the LEO Menu.

Going on-duty process

Explain to drive to the nearest station where you go on duty and get your patrol vehicle & uniform.

Case Law

Case Law is very important and can greatly enhance your RP. We have created a document that gives you the majority of the most important case laws that were ruled by the United States Supreme Court, which is the highest court system in the land. You can find the case law reference sheet on Infinity Docs under Training Material Law Enforcement Issue No. 1.

RTO Conduct.

While on duty you are required to be on RTO. While in RTO we have some policies to ensure professional communication.

10 Codes

It's important all officers study all the 10 codes to be ready to use while in RTO. Full list can be found on the Infinity Docs First Responder Guidelines.

Code Responses

  • Code One: Non-emergency response. No lights or sirens were utilized. Must follow traffic laws.

  • Code Two: Non-life-threatening emergency response. Lights should be utilized to indicate emergency response. Sirens should be utilized when clearing intersecitons.

  • Code Three: Life-threatening emergency response. Use of lights and sirens required.

  • Code Four: Scene clear/under control.

  • Code Five: Felony/High-Risk Stop.

  • Code Six: Out investigating.

Vehicle Operation

Show them this video on how to properly operate the radar.

Emergency Lights & Sirens Usage

There is an advanced siren control implemented in-game, using a different keys to operate different functions

The Functions operate as follows

'Up Arrow' or Up D-Pad will operate secondary Wail siren when emergency lights are activated

There is an extra function along with the Emergency Lights

'Backspace' will operate hazard lights

'Q' or Left D-Pad controls Emergency Light Function

'Left Alt' or Down D-Pad controls the emergency siren toggle

'R' or B Button will control the siren tone or manual siren when emergency lights are disabled

'E' or Left Thumbstick will operate Air Horn

Intersection Safety

While running Code Two or Code Three, you are required to clear an intersection. While responding to code you are expected to take it at a safe realistic speed, not take it fast and furious through an intersection. Here's an example of how to properly clean it with regular vehicles, large vehicles, and trucks.

Incident Examples

Large Response Events such as a Pacific Bank Robbery.

A Pacific Bank Robbery would result in a large-scale law enforcement and medical response. Heres are a few screenshots of what an event would look like after.

Scene Coordination

When a scene occurs, the highest ranking officer on scene or (if available tactical team leader) will assume scene command. Priority scenes occur when an event takes place that requires large-scale law enforcement response such as a robbery, rescue operations, etc.

When a scene occurs it's vital that officers are keeping radio traffic to only important essential radio traffic. It’s important for traffic communications to make sure traffic is clear & not cluttered.

During a scene, it’s important to ensure containment of the scene to prevent any suspects do not have the ability to flee the crime scene & endanger any citizens or officers. When detectives arrive from Gang & Narcotics Task Force they will automatically assume the role of Hostage Negotiators, if none are available a member of the tactical team or scene commander will assume the role of Hostage Negotiator.

Upon suspects leaving the scene turning into an active 10-80 detectives & tactical team are to breach with the tactical team going in first with detectives behind. The goal is to clear the compound to secure any hostages & suspects that may still be inside, Upon securing the inside of the compound the detectives will begin gathering any evidence left behind by the suspects and interviewing the hostages to ensure they are not a suspect involved in the crime.

As the scene commander is expected to

  • Direct officers to block off all roads leading to the scene.

  • Direct officers to clear the scene of all bystanders not directly involved.

  • Begin negotiation with suspects

  • Breach if no hostages.

To begin negotiations you are to

  • Announce yourself to the suspects as this is x with x.

  • If there are any hostages present, request “proof of life.”. Have the hostages come within view of officers to confirm they are unharmed.

  • Your goal is to never let the suspects leave with any hostage(s).

  • You are prohibited from storming the building until you can guarantee the safety of the hostage(s) inside. Hostage(s) are more important than any money & items stolen.

If a suspect has a hostage scene commander is permitted to grant

  • 7 seconds of free passage per hostage

  • 2 Demands per hostage.

If the scene commander can guarantee the safety of the hostage for a breach, a breach will be authorized.

If an officer has a clear shot of the hostage taker and can guarantee the safety of any other hostages & and the safe arrest of any other suspects, and guarantee enough time for law enforcement to breach & secure the hostages the scene commander may authorize the shot. The scene commander may only approve the shot if the suspect(s) is still an active threat to officers and/or hostages/citizens, and the suspect is not de-escalating.

Traffic Stop

Provide an example traffic stop with a Field Training Assistant.


  • Understanding the procedures of a traffic stop.

  • Proper angling of the Vehicle, and it's tires and why it's important.

  • Always do a Licence Plate check and a plate check prior to making contact. (Ensure understanding)

  • Understands which precautions to take on traffic stop, deadmans ally, B-post cover ect.

  • Can use proper RTO during a traffic stop, keeping all transmissions short, and to the point.

  • RP opportunities, such as but not limited to “In plain view”

  • Back-up duties and responsibilities.

  • How to properly transport a subject to the station if needed. (Routine)

  • All trainee’s must demonstrate and correctly perform all aspects of a traffic stop.

High-Risk Stop

While performing a code 5 stop procedure it’s extremely important for officers to maintain caution, this is a very special situation for the individual within the stopped vehicle which can easily trigger shots fired and/or a pursuit.

  • Far Right officers are expected to have a long rifle out.

  • Middle Officer a pistol

  • And Left Officer a Taser. The left officer will take command.

The middle officer will begin giving commands;

If at any point, the person does not do as asked, immediately repeat that command. If they do not comply, immediately use NON LETHAL force (unless a weapon is produced)









  • “STOP”



  • At this point, one officer (with non-lethal) moves to handcuff the suspect

  • Search the suspect’s body, read their rights, and place them in a vehicle

  • 2 Officers approach the vehicle weapons drawn and ensure no one is inside

  • Search the vehicle thoroughly.

You can go back to this for reference on Infinity Docs Training Material for Law Enforcement Issue No 1.

Vehicle Pursuit

When a 10-80 is initiated the first thing you are expected to do is call into RTO breaking traffic to inform of the pursuit. Until additional units arrive you are expected to maintain callouts. The secondary unit goal is to maintain callouts as the primary focus is on keeping eye on the suspect.

Pursuits pose a large danger to the public and require the suspect to be stopped as soon as possible. During pursuits, officers are to

  • Primary (First unit): You are to BREAK RTO traffic if any & notify a pursuit in progress. You are required to report vehicle & occupant description, street direction, and nearby postals every few seconds.

  • Secondary (Secondary unit): Begin callouts, you are required to keep 2-3 car lengths distance from the primary to avoid collisions.

  • Additional Units: Maintain a 2-3 car lengths distance from the secondary to avoid collisions.

If you at any point in time need to pass another unit you are required to call it out. Example: “1S-01 Requesting Permission to pass 1S-02. 1S-02 to 1S-01 Permission granted.”. Do not pass unless granted. Let faster vehicles take priority such as the Speed Enforcement Unit.


The Pursuit Intervention Technique, AKA P.I.T is used to quickly halt a vehicle posing a danger to the citizens of San Andreas. Law Enforcement utilizes their push/ram bar to collide into a suspect's vehicle's rear side bumper. The goal of the PIT is to create vehicles to spin out not into a crash. The PIT must be executed on the left rear side of a suspect's vehicle.

The following Factors need to be cleared to allow the initiation of a PIT-Maneuver:

  • Vehicle Must be driving 60 MPH or less (SE Units may Pit Vehicles at up to 75 MPH)

  • The area in front of the pursuit must be clear of Officers and or Civilians in a Range of 100 Meters Minimum

  • All RTO Officers must be informed before the procedure

  • "1S-01 going for Pit on left/right side, STAY BACK, STAY BACK”

  • Road Conditions must be dry and safe

  • no Pits in Rain, Snow, or similar -> uncontrolled Spinning

  • Vehicle may not be a 2-Wheeler, Commercial Vehicle, have a weight of 3 Tons+, an unprotected driver (convertible with open roof, golf cart etc.)

  • The Pitting Law Enforcement Vehicles must have a ram bar

Barricaded Suspect(s)

In many situations, such as a Robbery or Hostage Situation a suspect may be inside a building during the commission of a crime when officers arrive on the scene. These types of situations are highly dangerous situations.

The scene commander is expected to:

  • Direct officers to block off all roads leading to the scene.

  • Direct officers to clear the scene of all bystanders not directly involved.

  • Begin negotiation with suspects

  • Breach if no hostages.

Hostage Situation

If a suspect has a hostage scene commander is permitted to grant

  • 7 seconds of free passage per hostage

  • 2 Demands per hostage.

If the scene commander can guarantee the safety of the hostage for a breach, a breach will be authorized.

If an officer has a clear shot of the hostage taker and can guarantee the safety of any other hostages & and the safe arrest of any other suspects, and guarantee enough time for law enforcement to breach & secure the hostages the scene commander may authorize the shot.

Search Warrants

A Search Warrant may only be authorized by a SADOJ Judge. Search Warrants can only be issued when probable cause to seize property exists when facts and circumstances known to a department would lead a reasonable person to believe that the item is contraband, is stolen, or constitutes evidence of a crime. Search warrants may also be issued when there is probable cause to believe a suspect with a warrant for his/her arrest occupies the property or owns the property. When a search warrant is in play, police generally must search only for the items described in the warrant.


You have the ability to detain a party (in handcuffs) if you have reasonable suspicion they are a flight risk or immediate threat. If during your course of the investigation, you are unable to find physical evidence or gather witness statements to continue to detain you should unhandcuff them. See below for an example of the situation.

You detain two parties during what's reported as an altercation and you do not have evidence of a crime occurring (uncooperative parties and or parties stating nothing happened). At that point, you must unrestraint the individuals. You may continue to investigate if you choose however the parties cannot be restrained (handcuffed) unless they begin to pose an immediate threat.

Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause. Probable cause is necessary to detain and arrest someone; reasonable suspicion is necessary to start questioning someone. Before questioning someone you are required to read them their Miranda Rights.

Right To Enter Private Property

Factors that allow an officer to enter someone's property (not personal ymap/house);

  • Search Warrant (that was authorized)

  • Invited in

  • Wanted Individual is on the property

  • Probable Cause

Officers reserve the right to force their way into properties they have followed previously listed factors, however when raiding a property, there are things to consider and tactics to use.

Last updated