Trial Policy


After a department member passes a trial they must wait a minimum of two (2) weeks before they are eligible for another trial.

Mandatory Trial Lengths

Mandatory Trial Suspensions

  • Department Transfer

  • Entering LOA

  • Entering Reserves

If a department member does any of the listed above their trial is required to be suspended and they return to their original rank.

Rank Changes

While on trial a department member cannot be promoted or demoted until the trial ends. Trials cannot be ended early.

Who can handle trials?

Trials are proctored by the Department's Command Team and overseen by the Heads Team. Trials can only be opened by Department Coordination and Department Heads.

A command member cannot handle a trial that's not two (2) ranks below them.\

Heads Team Trials can only be opened by Department Coordination, and the candidate must be approved by the Department Coordination Team.

Abuse Of Trials

Abuse of the trial system will result in department heads getting removed.

Last updated