LETI Recruitment


All members are eligible to apply for Law Enforcement Training Institute after a total playtime of four (4) hours in-game, and inside of the community discord for two (2) days. This is to ensure all recruits understand how we do things on this server.


All members who meet the requirements are applied to place a LETI Application. You can place an application at https://infinityplayrp.com/apply?appid=6

You can track your application status at: https://infinityplayrp.com/application_admin

What's LETI and why do I need its certification?

All departments universally require a LETI Certification to join Law Enforcement Agencies. LETI allows us to provide universal same training for all members on the server and ensure our standards are being met.

Upon resignation from a department, you will keep your LETI Certification allowing you to return to any department's entry-level rank. (i.e. Trooper, Officer, etc.).


Last updated