Global Standard Operation Procedures


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure document is to ensure every member of the server knows the regulations that regard members of the departments.

Section 1


The following statements in Section 1. apply to any and every member of a whitelisted department member of Infinity. Whilst on or even off duty you are representing your department(s) and the server as a whole. Failure to abide by these set guidelines will result in disciplinary actions.

Code Of Conduct

  • Respect - Treat others as to how you want to be treated

Treat, everyone as if you are their friend. Treat your peers, subordinates, other department members, etc in a positive manner. Never talk down or even subjugate another member.

  • Integrity - Be honest with yourself and others with strong moral principles

When communicating with your peers or other community members, maintain strong morals and always be honest with them. Lying or otherwise jeopardizing your or anyone else’s job is not holding your integrity

  • Perseverance - Always push for success

Confidence is mandatory in order to achieve your goals or success. Never give up on yourself or your peers/subordinates.

  • Professionalism - Constitute yourself and your department(s) in a positive demeanor

While communicating with peers or subordinates in a becoming way that represents you and the server from the position you earned. Never treat your department or server in a negative way.

  • Ameliorate - Use your power to improve yourself and the server

You are here to not only enjoy yourself but to improve the community and help it grow. Use your abilities to make the community the best it possibly can be.

Community Expectations


While in a whitelisted department within Infinity, you are held to a professional standard. This also applies to your profile, profile image, and profile description/bio in discord. Any NSFW Profile photo/banner is strictly prohibited. This can include but is not limited to, gore, pornography, or any political movement/organization. As for your discord bio, you are not allowed to advertise any political movement/organization, sexual remarks, racial or homophobic slurs, and malicious links.

Your profile badge is not required.


  • The chain of command is to be followed at all times. Only shall be broken if any conflict of interest might be a cause.

  • Questions regarding a department direct them towards a department supervisor or with support located in the Internal Affairs Discord.

  • Reports on any High Command or High Command member, make a High Command Report ticket in the Internal Affairs discord. You may find a link in the Main discord server to the IA discord.

  • Any suggestions for a department or new department, make a suggestion in the suggestions channel located in the discord.

Expectations of members

  • Respect others with sensitivity and possess interpersonal skills.

  • Make decisions with a clear judgment.

  • Work efficiently and as a team.

  • Remain mature consistently and must respect discipline.

  • Be honest, as well as respect integrity and personal ethics.

  • Set and achieve personal goals.

  • Fluently speaking and writing using the English language.


All members are expected to:

  • Mandatory enforcement - As a peace officer, you are required to uphold all federal, state, and local laws to all Citizens. Members are not above the law.

  • Obligation to the law - As a peace officer you must oblige to the laws of the country, state, local laws, and department regulations. You are to respect the Citizens of San Andreas & their constitutional rights. Your job is to enforce laws, not break them.

Members are expected to follow Department Regulations, violations can result in disciplinary action.

Dual-Department Membership

You are allowed to join more than one department, however, you are prohibited from being in Two LEO Departments. You are limited to one LEO Department max.

Cross-Server Membership

The following applies to any member of a whitelisted department with Policies you must follow in the other non-Infinity servers.

  • As a member of an Infinity whitelisted department, you are still able to have a membership in other servers.

  • If a member wishes to join another server whilst retaining a position in an Infinity department you must be able to still meet the hour requirement of the Infinity department(s) consecutively every week.

  • If a dual-cleaning member frequently makes LOA requests but is caught seen on FiveM in another server, the member may be subject to termination or be required to leave the whitelisted department of the opposite server.

  • Members who are starting their own server or a member of another department in a separate server and caught using or copying documents can be subject to copyright infringement and legal actions, as could be placed with an immediate ban from the community.

  • Members holding ranks of High Command, and/or High Staff or higher in another server are blacklisted from maintaining a Low Command+ position with the department, and senior moderator+ positions for server security.

Infinity Management recommends not to cross-server-membership to ensure you meet the time requirements for your department(s), but it’s optional to cross-server-membership as long as you meet your department hours. A whitelisted job/department is when you have to apply for the position, Public Officer is not dual-clanning as it's a Public Job/Department. Cross-server membership is when you are in another community holding a position that's whitelisted or public.

Department China Of Command

Department Coordinator

  • Assigns tasks to high-command teams

  • Ensures the operations of a department are handled correctly

  • Delegates on the decisions of the departments.

Department Heads

  • Oversees department day-to-day operations.

  • Proctors department trial(s).

  • Reports to department chief (01).

  • Department Chief reports to Department Coordinator.

  • Department Chief holds the highest executive-power in the department chain of command. (not including Department Coordinator).

Department High Command

  • Oversees the supervisory actions within their department

  • Handles tasks handed out by the Department Heads

  • Communicates with the Department Heads to handle changes or assist with changes within their department

  • Assigns jobs to their Low Command to ensure other department operations are handled correctly

Department Low Command

  • Directly monitors supervisors within the department

  • Executes tasks handed out by a superior

Supervisor (also known as Leadership)

  • Oversees subordinates and verifies members are following department policies

  • Assists with issues with other members of their department

  • Conducts training to better the department

  • Ensures that role-play scenarios are being handled correctly and effectively


  • Follows department SOP

  • Seek improvement and more knowledge to better their department

  • Assist others to the best of their ability and maintain their integrity.


  • Learns the department guidelines

  • Follows the steps to become a full fledge department member.

Section 2


The following will mention the punishments and policies of Disciplinary actions toward members of a Department.

Internal Affairs Rundown

Any member is subject to review from Infinity Internal Affairs run by the Department Coordinator as the IA Director. With options from reports on a member of a department such as an LEO department. They will Look at any evidence provided and communicate with the member being accused of the actions that may or may not have happened. After finishing an investigation, the case will be closed and if any punishments needed are required, the investigator will hand them out based on evidence and information gained.

Any member of a public job/department is subject to punishment. Breaking server rules or any rule in the punishment guide is subject to investigation and/or blacklist from a public job/department. You are on a one-strike policy, staff and LEO supervisors refrain from getting either a blacklist but when needed our team will provide the rightful punishment.

Activity Requirements

All department members and command staff are expected to;

  • Clock-in a minimum of 2 times a week. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a member being deemed inactive on the roster and possibly facing future disciplinary action such as strike(s) or even a termination based on history.

  • Failure to maintain active after the first activity notice within a week will result in you returning to probation.

  • 3 days after activity notice and still failing to clock in will result in termination from the department.

All members are expected to hold themselves to the highest standard while in voice channels, text channels, and in-game. Regardless of on-duty or off-duty. Punishments may be administered accordingly, by disciplinary staff discretion. The severity of the infraction will also be judged by the acting disciplinary staff member.

All members are permitted to clock in hours for the following activities:

  • Patrol

  • Administrative Tasks;

    • Department Duties such as applications, interviews, etc.

    • Subdivision Duties such as applications, interviews, etc.

Leave Of Absences

All members of departments have the ability to request Leave Of Absence (LOA) in Human Resources Tickets. A Leave of Absence exempts any member from activity requirements of the department & subdivisions a member must;

  • Hold the first sworn rank of Member (f. e: Trooper, Officer, etc) or higher, exceptions may be made by High Command.

  • LOA Requests may be approved/denied by members of HR.

  • The maximum amount of time you can request is thirty (30) days unless approval is made by High Command.

  • While on LOA you are strictly prohibited from performing any sort of duties or going on FiveM.

Specified policy;

Reduction of Activity

All members of departments have the ability to request a Reduction of Activity. ROA lowers your required hour requirements at High Command's discretion. ROA is strictly approved by High Command only. Requirements are;

  • Hold the rank of Senior Sworn Rank (i.e Officer Grade II, Senior Trooper, etc) or higher, exceptions may be made by High Command.

This is for cases such as a member of the department is a high command member of another department and requires more time to focus on managing their department. ROA is not given away like free candy, this is strictly given to members who can prove that they need a ROA.

Department Promotions

Promotions are handled on a monthly basis. In order to be selected for promotion, you must actively patrol, and must not have received any recent disciplinary action within that month period. Hour Logs will be used to track activity within the department and will be used for promotion consideration.

Department Resignation

When a member wishes to resign from a Department, They are required to place a resignation ticket before departure from the department. Failure to follow this will result in a blacklist. Department Heads are required to notify the Department Coordinator before departure with a chain of command replacement order of new 01, and so on.

Department Transfers

The following applies to any member of a department, excluding the public departments. This section will go over the department transfers and when they happen.

  • transferredcan'tDepartment transfers are usually open but can be closed at any given time for reasons that do not have to be disclosed.

  • You must have obtained the 1st sworn rank in the department (for example Agent, Trooper, Firefighter, etc) to be eligible to transfer departments.

  • You must be in your previous department for more than ONE month.

  • You are not guaranteed to get a transfer request accepted.

  • No recent transfers within the last 60 days.

  • No disciplinary sanctions within the last 60 days.

  • LEO/Fire departments cannot transfer between each other.

  • Staff cannot be transferred inside/outside of.


All members are required to follow community standards, and additional policies set forth by High Command, SADOJ, SAJS, SACO, etc.

Last updated